Boudoir Shoot | Everything You're Afraid to Ask

While you might’ve only heard it through the grapevine, boudoir photo shoots have become increasingly more popular over the last decade. The elegant art of taking tasteful photographs for your significant other can be a bit of a taboo topic, but that’s no reason to stray from the idea! A boudoir photo shoot can be an excellent wedding gift for your spouse or a way of documenting how great you feel in your own skin, not unlike a baby bump photo-op. Whether you’re debating the idea of a sensual shoot or unsure of where to begin, it’s likely you have plenty of questions. Here are the answers to everything you’re afraid to ask.

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“How do I choose a photographer?”

Considering you’ll be dressed more vulnerably than your typical photo session, finding a photographer you trust and feel relaxed around is key. Ideally this is the photography you’ve already enlisted to photograph your wedding. Most photographers will mention on their websites if they offer boudoir packages among other things available. Do your homework and don’t be afraid to ask for references so that you can ask a former client how her experience was. A consultation with your photographer beforehand is sure to set your mind at ease.

“Is it okay to have a male photographer?”

You’re shooting photos for your hubby, so is it okay to hire a male photographer? It’s reasonable to be apprehensive about going with a photographer of the opposite sex, but when it comes down to it, it’s all about going with who you trust and know will adhere to a professional standard. 

“What’s showing too much?”

It’s truly a matter of your personal comfort level. Most photographers do not shoot in full nude, so some form of bra, lingerie, cami, whatever your jive, is expected. Nonetheless, this is a necessary discussion to have with your photographer in order to be fully informed of their policies and expectations. Plus, they’ll be able to assist you in finding something that’s sure to photograph well. It’s important that you have fun, feel sexy, and wear what makes you comfortable.

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“Should I involve my partner?”

It’s not as uncommon as you’d think. Nowadays a lot of brides want to involve their man in their romantic portraits. Couples boudoir is a great way to capture you and your loved one, just make sure both of your expectations are in line.

“How do I that ensure my photos won’t end up on social media?”

When you sign a contract with your photographer, be sure to ask about their license to share. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of your private shoot being displayed on social or even in a portfolio, communicate your concerns. It’s your right to say no to any distribution of photos you intend for personal use. Be upfront from the get-go!

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“What about grooming?”

It all comes down to personal preference. There is no right or wrong when it comes to grooming. If you opt to wax or shave before your session, you’ll want to leave a couple of days in between to avoid having bumps or irritation. We recommend staying true to who you are, don’t try to be someone you’re not.

“How should I give the photos to my spouse?”

 Typically a photo album is the best way to preserve your pictures. Having tangible photographs is more personal, plus they can be wrapped discreetly and gifted to the groom. Although, there are plenty of ways to pass along your pictures, and no grounds against getting creative!

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Reagan Kerr